Help us grow past what we did in 2022 and further improve womens health

In 2022, we had our first year of operations and performed above and beyond what we expected. You can help us continue the momentum… Women’s Health Matters in the Shenango Valley!

Average amount of financial grants awarded quarterly for warriors in need with health conditions
Volunteer hours towards the Warrior in HER by local women warriors in the past year

Providing support women need for their health

Without your support we would not be able to provide services women need to improve their health in our valley for free of charge. 

Care packages delivered on average each month to women warriors
Average amount of yearly educational events free of charge to women warriors

Help women warriors in our valley who are in need

You can make a difference and help us improve women’s health in our community!

Volunteers joined the cause
Local women served by our nonprofit

You can
improve lives!

"I got so much more than just a care package from the Warrior in HER. I felt heard, understood, and like someone really cares and wants to help. I actually got out and enjoyed the sun and blue sky. Sometimes all it takes is for another wonderful lady to set with you and completely show support. I'm so extremely excited about being a warrior and to also bring awareness to the area about woman's mental health and chronic illnesses. For the first time in many years, I am thinking positive about my conditions and I honestly believe that this wonderful support for women in Mercer County will absolutely help so many of us in our struggles to feel better. Thank you so much for my care package from the Warrior in HER. Can't wait to really get involved in such an amazing project." -Jenn Noe, Undiagnosed Chronic Illness and Mental Health Warrior, 39, Sharpsville

support our programs and mission

Your donation helps us get closer to reaching our goal of creating a women’s health center in the Shenango Valley free of chare!

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